Saving money is something that all of us should aspire to. It could be that you want to buy a gift for a loved one, but you cannot get the money for it all at once. Or, perhaps you want to treat yourself to a night out with friends at the end of the month and you want to put money aside for that. One convenient way of doing this is by investing in a piggy bank. These receptacles for putting money in have for many years been associated with children, but the whole piggy bank concept works for adults just as well as it does for kids.
It is pretty handy to have one in the house. Sometimes we carry back spare change from our grocery shopping, and we leave all this "small money" lying around the house for our kids to steal for candy and other things. It might look like a small thing, but that money cumulatively is no longer "small", but can actually add up and be used for something meaningful. Why not find a place where it can stay safe and accumulate until it is needed? A piggy bank is useful in this way because once you put your money in it, you do not have to think about it until you need to spend it.
Saving money can be boring; what with making sure that your bank savings account is always credited all the time. A piggy bank is always there, right in your house reminding you that you need to put some money into it. For those who lose interest quickly, this serves as a catalyst to action, particularly when you are saving towards a specific purpose. You do not have the excuse that you did not have time to go to the bank; the "bank" is right there. Besides, it can also be fun especially if you have one that is not transparent. There is no way of telling how much money you have in there until the day you empty it.
A piggy bank need not act only as a place where you save your money; it can also be used as an decorative piece in your house. A lot of them are shaped like a pig, but you can get one in the shape of other animals or objects. They also come in different colours and themes to suit your taste. You can also buy a plain piggy bank and use your paints and brushes to decorate it whichever way you want. So, the whole experience of saving your money in a piggy bank need not be a boring affair. You can use the piggy as a conversation starter when you have guests in the house.
Grace Thompson has raised two financially-savvy kids, while having had a successful career in managing projects with multi-million-dollar budgets.
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